
CPTDescription Price 
65800A/C Paracentesis $    200.00
65778Amniotic Membrane $ 1,500.00
76519ASCAN $      75.00
J9035Avastin Drug $      80.00
67028Avastin Injection $    160.00
92071Bandage Contact Lens $      25.00
Blepharoplasty Consult $    265.00
15820Blepharoplasty Lower Lids $ 3,800.00
15823/15820Blepharoplasty Upper / Lower Lids $ 6,600.00
15823Blepharoplasty Upper Lids $ 3,800.00
66982Cataract Surgery (Complex) Per Eye $ 1,000.00
66984Cataract Surgery Per Eye $ 1,000.00
92017Contact Lens Check $             –  
92310Contact Lens Fitting Established $      45.00
92310Contact Lens Fitting New $      80.00
92310Contact Lens Training $      80.00
92025Corneal Topography $      50.00
99285E.R. Consult $    500.00
92014Established Comprehensive $      90.00
92012Established Intermediate $      90.00
67800Excision Chalazion Single $    150.00
67840Excision Eyelid Lesion  $    250.00
92285External Photography $      60.00
J0178Eylea Drug  $ 3,900.00
67028Eylea Injection $    160.00
92235Fluorescein Anioghraphy $    300.00
92250Fundus Photo $      39.00
92016Glasses Check $             –  
92020Gonioscopy $      20.00
67700Hordeolum I&D $    175.00
99222Inpatient Hospital Consult $    356.00
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy x3 Treatments $    975.00
92136IOL Master  $      75.00
66625Iridectomy $    575.00
66761Iridotomy Laser $    400.00
92136LASIK Evaluation $             –  
68840N/L Irrigation  $      75.00
92004New Comprehensive Exam $    115.00
92002New Intermediate Exam $    115.00
92132OCT – Anterior Segment $      50.00
92133OCT – Optic Nerve $      50.00
92134OCT – Retina $      50.00
76514Pachymetry $      15.00
99024Post Op Exam $             –  
68801Probing Lacrimal System $    100.00
68760Punctal Closure Cauterization Per Lid $    145.00
68761Punctal Plugs Per Lid $    145.00
92015Refraction $      40.00
65205Removal Foreign Body Conjunctiva $    100.00
65222Removal Foreign Body Cornea $    100.00
67500Retrobulbar Injection $      80.00
65855SLT $    480.00
83861Tear Osmolarity Test (Tear Lab) $      40.00
67820Trichiasis Epilation $      60.00
92083Visual Fields $      85.00
66821YAG Capsulotomy $    375.00
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